The tuna boat PENDRUC calling at Lorient

28 juin 2016

Built in Bilbao in 2015, the new generation tuna boat belonging to CFTO company (« Compagnie Française du Thon Océanique »), 77 meters long, is currently making a stopover at Lorient.

The tuna boat PENDRUC calling at Lorient

(Picture GM SIMON)


Then she will leave for 8 weeks fishing off the Africa coast.


The PENDRUC will implement the innovating system of satellite buoys (developped by the french company Isi-Fish and its spanish partner Marine Instruments), able to differentiate the targeted species, allowing the Captain to understand the volume and nature of species and therefore manage better his captures.


Provided with a seine (fishing net) of 1 600 meters long, 280 meters depth and weighing 82 tons, the PENDRUC has tanks which can contain up to 1 000 tons of tuna.


The fish will be frozen and stored in theses tanks before being unloaded onto conveyor belts.